I started out on Tuesday, Jan 12. From right in front of my house John the English-speaking porteño gave me a lift to Ruta 40. The wind picked up and almost blew me back to los coihues. A wonderful porteña couple took me all the way to El Bolsón. I wouldn´t be lying if I said we talked for the entire two hour journey. We also stopped for a picture.
I had such a good time with them and their sweetend mate, I almost didn´t want to get to the hippie hotspot. Shouldered my pack, walked a few hundred meters before Fernando and Carlos picked me up. Again, fantastic conversations and even some homegrown cherries to snack on. They turned off to Maitén and left me at the cruce. Which, it turns out is an unsuccessful place to throw a thumb. So after a bit of singing and thinking in the wind, I shouldered my pack and as I walked, tried to master the art of self-photography.
I´m still working on it.
A pickup of four guys pulls back around and offers me a ride. They´re headed to Parque Nacional de Los Alerces. After some thought, I decide to go with them. I like a little camping and hiking. We tie my pack to the truck and bounce along the ripio.
I pose as an Argentinean to avoid the gringo park price. We set up at the free camping Arrayanes. This is my home.
After building up the fire, we sit around with some fernet and narguilehs. Cocomint is not my favorite flavor I discovered that night. I felt I was babysitting four frat boys, so I went to sleep early. This is me in the morning.
I said by to my Mendocino friends. And we parted ways.
I did a really short hike. I saw coihues, arrayanes, radales, and heard a tremendous number of birds.
Then I met a porteña couple and did the Laguna Escondida/Mirador hike. Great hike. Beautiful views. Here´s one of them.
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