Now I’ll catch you all up on how we got here.
Friday November 7.
Woke up in Bariloche, the Argentinean Aspen, full of trendy ski gear and chocolate shops. Our 10th floor hostel had one spectacular view over the snowy-peak-bordered lake. We decided to climb up to Cerro Otto for a 360 degree spectacular view. We were told to get an earlier start and to expect some wind and maybe some rain.
We walked the 5km along the water ooohing and ahhhhing over the mountains. We arrived at the Teleferico and kept walking. The sandy path took us up. And up. And up.
My legs weren’t working as I told them to. They quickly tired and I slowed down to a tortuga’s pace. Dogs barked from afar, but we just kept on marching along. Suddenly the view opened up. It was spectacular. We could see mountains on all sides. But we also saw the storm clouds coming towards us. We turned back to our own mountain and put one foot in front of the other.
I was very ready to start heading down.
Nate found some rocks to boulder around on. I was very cold, so I started walking. The rain found its way to us. Small droplets cascaded onto our rain jackets as we broke into a jog.
At the bottom of the hill we splurged on a 2 peso (60 cent) hot chocolate. The walk back into town was uncomfortable, but it was so good to be warm again.
The rain continued for the rest of the day. Since our shoes were soaked, we had to run errands in our flip flops. Pelting rain in frigid temperatures. I don’t think my feet have ever experienced that much pain before!
Dinner was a concoction of whatever we had; it was too cold to leave the hostel.
The cab came by to pick us up at 6:45am on Saturday November 8. Our bus to Puerto Montt took us past some spectacular views and, of course, across the border into Chile.
Puerto Montt was not so nice. So we hopped a collectivo to Puerto Varas, the more touristy siblingcity.
We found our hostel after a few minutes and after a quick supermarket run, whipped up a few burgers.
We rested up and dined out that night.
Sunday November 9.
Most everything was closed for Sunday, so we took some time to walk around town. We cruised up and down the streets. Made the worst mac n cheese ever.
Monday November 10.
Quiet evening in the quiet little town. And a soup dinner.
Congratulations getting there!! I keep marveling at what an adept traveler you are! Glad you got some hot chocolate after that rainy frigid hike.
take care/have fun!
Jon sends a big hello as well!
awww... shucks. thanks nicky. can't wait for all of you to visit. hot chocolate for all! ¡un abrazo!
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